Claim your outstanding ACF funds

Did you have a campaign on the ACF website before 1 December 2020? Think you may not have claimed your funds? If so, here is what you need to do to register your claim for outstanding campaign funds before the cut-off date of 31 December 2022.

Claim outstanding ACF grant funds

ACF campaign closed before 1 December 2020

Campaigns which closed before 1 December 2020 will have received their grant agreements via email and will need to provide a separate invoice for payment and satisfy other agreement obligations such as providing a grant acquittal. Your ability to claim the funds is subject to you meeting other obligations in the grant agreement.

If you think you may not have claimed your funds for an ACF campaign which closed before 1 December 2020, send the ACF an email at detailing: your project name, pending grant amount and campaign dates and we will contact you with further instructions.

If you are uncertain or have any questions, you can always contact the ACF team on

Please note: ACF funds for campaigns:

  • that closed before 1 December 2020;
  • with associated projects that were completed before 31 December 2021,

that are not claimed by 31 December 2022, will be re-allocated by the ACF to other arts and cultural activities.

ACF campaign closed since 1 December 2020 

If your campaign closed from 1 December 2020 onwards, we will send you an email with information on how to proceed and when we need to hear from you.

You can also check in on your grant agreements by logging into the Artist Dashboard and heading to My Grants. You can read more information on how to navigate the Artist Dashboard here.